Some, err, things I did! Kinda busy with freelance... or, well... not too busy actually, but lazy, so still not much to show ö_ö Some Magic cards Jana and me did got released though, we should show them these days! : D
A study of a photo I took in Berlin...
Some sketches from imagination...
And some older things. All from imagination, too.
Does it write 'buibui' somewhere in that Berlin photo study, or is it just me? :o
There are all very nice. But I find myself returning to the photo study. It's very clean an neat, almost like vector work. I would be very interested in a brief description of how you worked on it!
damn. very nice all over, bud !
makes me abdicate my sleep =_=
hey gut mal wieder was von dir zu sehen! ich hoffe deine hand zickt nicht rum. viel spaß noch, und nicht faul sein!
Hey there Hannes. I also would like to know how do you achieve this sharpness working on the photo study! Is it layers? Vectors?
Thanks in advance~
looks like our Hauptbahnhof even from the thumbnail. damn clean work!
Moin Hannes!
Deine Fotostudie ist sehr sauber, das sieht stark nach Vektoren aus... täusch ich mich da, oder hast du tatsächlich (vermutlich irre viel) Pinselarbeit reingesteckt?
Unabhängig davon: Verdammt gute Arbeit. Wobei ich sagen muss, dass mir der supersaubere Stil von dir nicht so zusagt wie der 'losere'...
Auf jeden Fall: Mach weiter so, sei nicht so faul (mich würde ja echt interessieren, wieviel Stunden du grob gerechnet jeden Tag ins zeichnen steckst ^^) und alles Gute dir!
LG, Steffen
coole sachen! Mir gefällt der cleane look in der Fotostudie! Schon krass, wie weit du das pushen kannst, ohne dasses anfängt scheiße auszusehen, sehr cool, wie du das balancierst!
Dass die fantasy-chicks cool sind, hab ich dir ja schon auf DA geschrieben :D
Weiter so!
So cool! It'd be nice to see the photo to see how you approach photo studies and such! Awesome work though!
Hey thanks guys!
The study is basically mostly line tool and lasso work. I started with a line drawing, and then the painting process was just making shapes and rendering out stuff under the lines, with lots of separate layers. I usually prefer to keep stuff on a single layer but with things like this it's just a lot easier if you can lock the transparency. The cool thing is that you can keep it kind of handpainted inside these selections so it doesn't look too lifeless. At least that's what I'm trying to do, large parts of this one still look really stiff and boring, well I'll just keep trying and maybe get better at it :)
The sharpness just comes from the sharpen filter, combined with the clean lasso edges.
Awesome stuff as usual man, I really enjoyed those character sketches
Wow, your artwork just really inspires me so much. It's so technical yet so expressive!! I just can't even GAHHHH how do you words
The amount of detail and concentration in each piece is just so spectacular!!! My brain can't even handle it!! Here are some more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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