
Hurr durr, still doing the interior stuff! Fun, fun!
Here's a recent painting, trying to paint a full scenery from imagination, and pushing the materials a bit, and also trying to make it look a bit less dead.

Steps! I really regretted not being more careful this time, I hadn't intended for this to become a larger painting so I was messy with the initial drawing. There's some perspective weirdnesses that I should have fixed right in the beginning :(

Aaand a few studies. It's pretty obvious how the stuff I do from imagination is fairly similar, because I mainly do it to process the information I learned and to try to apply the approaches I played with during the studies. Something that works in a study might or might not work in something that's done from head, and finding out ways that work and ways that don't takes practice, but I feel it's really useful.
These are, again, all from random tumblr photos.

And here's a few more sketches from imagination. I'm sure you'll see how I picked up lots of this directly from the studies and then clumsily tried to make it work for me.

That's it for now. Cheers!


Katzu said...

Ahhhhh! Du Freak (im positiven Sinne), wie viele solcher Bilder kann man denn in so kurzer zeit malen?? Ich bin echt sehr beeindruck, freu mich aber auch sehr auf mehr Persönliches ;)

eilidh said...

Brilliant stuff once again. :)

Anton said...

I think you can make them look less dead by putting people in them. Personally, I liked your earlier work because your pieces from imagination drew on your own personal creativity, rather than reassembling things you've learned from photos. I mean, the 3D engine you put into your brain is phoenomenal at this point, but I would love to see how you bend reality, rather than imitate it.

walid kikindaface said...

i completely agree with anton ^^ your previous stuff was more alive ! this stuff is impressive for sure , but you should put more character and action into it !

Tighe said...

I was thinking the same as ^above that you need to populate them. Have some chicks in bikinis sippin' a martini at the poolside or something. FLIPPING AMAZING STUFF though. Geeeeez. I worry that we won't get to see your stuff anymore when you give up painting to become an architect.

Anonymous said...

Your technical skill is so amazing at this point that it's not even funny!

Anonymous said...

As a study, it's consummately competent. It is perhaps *too* perfect, to the point that it feels like you've occluded your own personality from it in favor of stark photo-realism. That's not a crit necessarily, but I would be careful about bringing these techniques that you're learning into your illustrative work. I'm sure you know what you're doing, however.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff, love your dedication. I was wondering how did you paint the texture of that long table? It looks so freaking real o_o . Hope to see some personal stuff, keep it up.

fuhrmannskoffer said...

HOLY MOLY! da fallen mir ja die Augen aus dem Kopf! das is ja echt der Wahnsinn, was du in so kurzer Zeit alles zustande bringst O____O das sieht alles sowas von echt aus, als könnte man da in den Bildern rumlaufen oder gar wohnen... und auch so bildgewaltiges from imagination *umkipp* u are really skillful, laddie! keep it up ;)

Anonymous said...

unglaublich gut
allein von den photoshop files eine menge gelernt
vielen dank dafür